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Coast Dart

Euxoa cursoria

B&F Code


Hufnagel, 1766




National Status
Nationally Scarce


Records 5
Individuals 5
Largest Sample 1
First Recorded 1869
Last Recorded 1899
Earliest Adult Record
Latest Adult Record
Monad Coverage 0.1%
Hexad Coverage 4.8%


This map shows all records of Coast Dart - Euxoa cursoria in the Durham (VC66) database per monad (1km grid square). The map can be explored further by zooming and panning, can be reset using the button on the left, and can be filtered by selecting the era. Click on a monad to view a full list of species recorded in it, or its containing hexad (10km grid square).


Map (image)

The distribution of Coast Dart - Euxoa cursoria is additionally shown in the image below. This is to allow for backwards compatibility with older browsers that cannot load the map above.

Week graph

This graph shows the County Durham (VC66) records of Coast Dart - Euxoa cursoria per 7-day period, differentiated by life stage. Hover over/tap the graph to see an exact count of records at that point in time. Hover over/hold the life stage legend to highlight a particular life stage; click on a life stage label to remove it from the graph. The graph can be filtered further by selecting the era.


The graphs below show the total records and individuals of Coast Dart - Euxoa cursoria in County Durham (VC66) per time period. Hover over/tap the graph to see an exact number of records and individuals at a particular point in time. Hover over/hold a label to highlight a particular metric; click on a metric label to remove it from the graph.

Era graph

Year graph


There are no photos of Coast Dart - Euxoa cursoria on the website. If you would like to contribute any photographs please email


This is a list of habitats where Coast Dart - Euxoa cursoria can be found.


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