Ruddy Highflyer
Hydriomena ruberata
Species account (old)
The least common of the three Hydriomena species, its preferred foodplant is SaIix aurita which is mainly an upland species in our [county], but larvae were found by J. W. H. Harrison on SaIix phylicifolia in Upper Teesdale in 1925 (Vasc. 11 ;1 28). We have recent records from Waldridge Fell (TCD), Slit Woods, Westgate (NNU Field Meeting. 1960), Middleton-in-Teesdale (I. Findlay, 1975), Forest-in-Teesdale (I. Findlay, 1980), Wynyard Forest (TCD 1981) [...].
Records | 33 |
Individuals | 38 |
Largest Sample | 4 |
First Recorded | 1872 |
Last Recorded | 2009 |
Earliest Adult Record | 23/04 |
Latest Adult Record | 15/06 |
Monad Coverage | 0.6% |
Hexad Coverage | 35.7% |
This map shows all records of Ruddy Highflyer - Hydriomena ruberata in the Durham (VC66) database per monad (1km grid square). The map can be explored further by zooming and panning, can be reset using the button on the left, and can be filtered by selecting the era. Click on a monad to view a full list of species recorded in it, or its containing hexad (10km grid square).
Week graph
This graph shows the County Durham (VC66) records of Ruddy Highflyer - Hydriomena ruberata per 7-day period, differentiated by life stage. Hover over/tap the graph to see an exact count of records at that point in time. Hover over/hold the life stage legend to highlight a particular life stage; click on a life stage label to remove it from the graph. The graph can be filtered further by selecting the era.
The graphs below show the total records and individuals of Ruddy Highflyer - Hydriomena ruberata in County Durham (VC66) per time period. Hover over/tap the graph to see an exact number of records and individuals at a particular point in time. Hover over/hold a label to highlight a particular metric; click on a metric label to remove it from the graph.
Era graph
Year graph
There are no photos of Ruddy Highflyer - Hydriomena ruberata on the website. If you would like to contribute any photographs please email
This is a list of foodplants known to be used by the larval stages of Ruddy Highflyer - Hydriomena ruberata in the UK.
This is a list of habitats that Ruddy Highflyer - Hydriomena ruberata is known to occur in within the UK.