This page shows the species from the genus Argyresthia that occur in County Durham (VC66). Click on a species to view an account containing statistics, distribution, phenology and photos. The grid below has 18 taxon(s). Argyresthia laevigatella Argyresthia arceuthina Argyresthia trifasciata Argyresthia dilectella Cypress Tip MothArgyresthia cupressella Argyresthia brockeella Argyresthia goedartella Argyresthia pygmaeella Argyresthia sorbiella Argyresthia curvella Argyresthia retinella Argyresthia spinosella Apple Fruit MothArgyresthia conjugella Argyresthia semifusca Cherry Fruit MothArgyresthia pruniella Argyresthia bonnetella Argyresthia albistria Argyresthia semitestacella